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On-Demand Trainings

Join 3C-REN and Resilient Central Coast for an informative webinar on heat pump technology for home heating and cooling. Finding...
Are you a renter trying to reduce the energy used in your home? Renters have more control over their energy...
Welcome heat-pump-curious residents of the Central Coast! Join us to discuss the pros and cons of heat pump water heaters...
Today many homes on the Central Coast use natural gas or propane to power heating at home like space heating,...
This class is intended to equip homeowners planning remodeling projects to work effectively with their design and building team to...
As California makes the transition to electrification, careful planning will be crucial for existing buildings. This three-part series will cover...
As California makes the transition to electrification, careful planning will be crucial for existing buildings. This three-part series will cover...
As California makes the transition to electrification, careful planning will be crucial for existing buildings. This three-part series will cover...
Heat Pumps are quickly gaining traction as a preferred HVAC and water heating technology. California has a goal for 6...
Is being a pool owner driving up your energy bills? 3C-REN can help! Replace your pool pump with an energy...
Heat pump space conditioning units are ultra-efficient appliances, widely adopted in Europe and Asia, that use electricity instead of natural...
Do you know how much energy goes into home use? Whether the energy is being used efficiently and effectively for...

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