Green Realtors: The Key to Selling High Performance Buildings
Last year, the National Association of Realtors reported that more than 75% of real estate professionals consider energy efficiency and green home design to be significant features in a home purchase*.
To meet this growing interest, 3C-REN now provides trainings for real estate professionals, including agents and appraisers, to help them translate green home benefits to their clients. We help you understand green home valuation, the lower costs of home ownership, and the positive health impacts of energy efficient and sustainable systems.
3C-REN has trained more than 120 real estate professionals over the past 9 months. Fifty-six (56) have earned the National Association of Realtors Green Designation, one of the industry’s most regarded certifications for sustainability.
If you’re interested in earning more referrals in this growing segment, our next Green Real Estate Marketing training is on June 9. Register now.
*NAR Sustainability Survey 2020
Want Happy Clients? Join our Consultative Sales Training
3C-REN can help you cultivate business development skills and grow your professional network in this free, 4-session course.
Our consultative selling course will teach you how to get in front of top prospective clients, close the deal — and, most importantly, communicate the value of high performance buildings. Find out what your clients’ needs and pain points are to guide better decisions and increase buy-in for energy efficient projects.
Each week, participants will test out new strategies, reporting back on what worked best. This unique combination of instructor coaching and peer feedback will help increase satisfaction in the energy-efficiency element of your business.
Regional Forum Announced: Improving Indoor Air Quality through Better Buildings

Wildfire season is coming. Threats to indoor air quality from wildfires (along with viruses and air pollution), have made the demand for health-focused building retrofits greater than ever before.
Energy efficiency can act as a tool to decrease indoor air pollution related to combustion, leaky windows, poor ventilation, and more.
Join our experts and connect with local industry professionals on Tuesday, June 15, 9:00 – 11:30am. Register at the link below.
Energy Code Coach Corner
Have you met our expert Code Coach team?
We’ll help you navigate the complex energy and green building codes.
Having trouble making sense of a code section?
Not sure how the code applies to your specific project?
Give us a call – a quick conversation with our Code Coaches can save you hours of headache!
You can submit your questions online anytime or schedule a call by emailing 3C-REN today.

Upcoming Events

Energy Code 101
Thurs, May 13, 9 am – 10:30 am
Register Here
Pathways to Achieving ZNE in Residential Dwellings
Tues, May 18, 12 pm – 1:30 pm
Register Here
All-Electric Construction, Part 1: Heat Pumps for Heating and Cooling
Mon, May 25, 12 pm – 1:15 pm
Register Here
Reader Survey
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All 3C-REN programs and services are free to participants in the tri-county region.
3C-REN offers ICC CEUs and AIA LUs for many of our educational events.

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