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Multifamily All-Electric Case Study

This event has been postponed. Join us on Thursday, July 13th to find out how the Tri-County Regional Energy Network’s (3C-REN) Multifamily Home Energy Savings program can help property owners and managers reduce energy and maintenance costs, improve the comfort and retention of tenants, and earn rebates for making energy efficient upgrades. Hear from the […]

The Case for Practical Home Performance Electrification

REGISTER The best outcomes for heat pumps and home electrification come through careful planning and incorporation of multiple facets of a building. Understanding the intersection of energy efficiency and performance is critical to ensuring comfort, low operational costs, and avoidance of major grid infrastructure upgrades.  This webinar will focus on the interdependence of building systems […]

Addressing the Energy-Water Nexus: Zero Net Carbon Design Series

REGISTER The Zero Net Carbon Design (ZNCD) Series, will begin with the background and an overview of carbon in the building industry, then focus content on energy performance and renewable energy, water-savings as energy-savings, embodied carbon, and finally regenerative design.   The courses have been developed to fulfill the new California requirement for architects to […]

Central Coast and Ventura ICC Chapter Series – 2022 Energy Code Nonresidential

REGISTER Description Developed for Central Coast and Ventura Region International Code Council (ICC) Members, this course provides an overview of the 2022 Title 24 Energy Code changes for Nonresidential for code officials, building safety, and building department staff. We’ll provide examples of implementation and highlight key strategies for a smooth plan review and acceptance process.  […]

Flexible Dates: Become a HERS Rater

INTEREST FORM​ 3C-REN has partnered with CalCERTS, Inc. to offer HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Rater training for FREE* to qualified candidates across the tri-counties!   As the California Energy Code (Title 24 Part 6) becomes more stringent, HERS Raters are essential to the construction process as trusted third-party reviewers of the performance of a building’s […]

Heat Pumps for Homeowners – Products & Selection

REGISTER Heat Pumps are quickly gaining traction as a preferred HVAC and water heating technology. California has a goal for 6 million installed heat pumps by 2030, and state plans indicate that new gas furnace and water heaters will not be permitted after 2030. While the path forward for heat pumps seems clear, many homeowners […]

Central Coast and Ventura ICC Chapter Series – CalGreen Overview and 2022 Changes

REGISTER Description Developed for Central Coast and Ventura Region International Code Council (ICC) Members, this course provides an overview of the California Green Building Standards (CalGreen) and will review changes in the 2022 code. We’ll provide examples of implementation and highlight key strategies for a smooth plan review and acceptance process.  This is the sixth […]

Induction Cooking Demonstration Series

Come see what induction cooking is all about!  The Tri-County Regional Energy Network (3C-REN) is partnering with Southern California Edison to bring induction cooking demonstrations to Ventura County.​ ​Join us to learn more about cooking with cleaner energy, the features and benefits of induction technology, and how to check one out yourself to test at home. ​This event is free and light […]

Induction Cooking Demonstration Series

Come see what induction cooking is all about!  The Tri-County Regional Energy Network (3C-REN) is partnering with Southern California Edison to bring induction cooking demonstrations to Ventura County.​ ​Join us to learn more about cooking with cleaner energy, the features and benefits of induction technology, and how to check one out yourself to test at home. ​This event is free and light […]

Breaking Barriers – Energy Friendly Permitting (Regional Forum)

REGISTER Energy efficiency and electrification projects have become a focus across the state. Permitting is a necessary step to ensure we are meeting our goals, but is also a significant barrier.   In this virtual forum, we will have speakers share best practices and strategies for permitting processes, which may include transitioning to online permitting, […]

What Energy Consultants Need to Know About QII

REGISTER This course will cover what Energy Consultants need to know about Quality Insulation Installation (QII) to best their clients meet the Title 24 Energy Code. QII is much more than just doing a good job installing insulation.  It requires pre-planning and a lot of coordination between multiple trades.  This class will discuss the important […]

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