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Introduction to Passive House Retrofits

The Passive House Institute developed EnerPHit certification standards to accommodate the realities of existing old buildings, where foundations, party lines, historic preservation, cost, and other factors make a typical Passive House certification impractical.

Introduction to Passive House Standard

Passive House goals and methodology change the way architects and builders think and work, making the architectural design itself a driver of climate, health, and social solutions. This is a 2-hour course that dives into the basic principles, history, certification, and the new frontiers of Passive House design as it continues to challenge and change industry expectations.

Introduction to Passive House Retrofits

Passive House Standards are not just for new construction. Existing structures can benefit from upgrading airtightness, insulation, reducing thermal bridging, upgrading to high performance doors and windows, and adding energy recovery ventilation. Applying the passive house standards to existing structure, however, has its own unique challenges.

Passive House Windows

In this course, we’ll cover the basics of the Passive House standard and the specifics as it relates to high performance windows; the design and detailing of Passive house windows; the specific design, modeling, and calculations required to implement passive house windows successfully; and the window installation process. The course will look at the specific drivers that relate to window performance including issues of thermal comfort, visual comfort, aesthetic considerations, and energy efficiency.

What Energy Consultants need to Know About QII

This course will cover what Energy Consultants need to know about Quality Insulation Installation (QII) to best their clients meet the Title 24 Energy Code. QII is much more than just doing a good job installing insulation.  It requires pre-planning and a lot of coordination between multiple trades.  This class will discuss the important things to look for and how to use the compliance documents (CF2R forms) as invaluable checklists.

Introduction to Passive House

Passive House goals and methodology change the way architects and builders think and work, making the architectural design itself a driver of climate, health, and social solutions. This is a 4-hour course that dives into the basic principles, history, certification, and the new frontiers of Passive House design as it continues to challenge and change industry expectations. All theory is then illustrated through 3 case studies outlining specific Passive House principles.

Introduction to Passive House

The Introduction to Passive House course guides participants through the principles and economics of the Passive House Standard, with an in-depth look at the challenges and benefits in today’s market and the methodology used to achieve building goals.

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