High Performance as the Baseline
Today, high-performance is recognized as the future of the built environment. However, while we continue to promote high-performance design and construction as providing significant benefits for owners, occupants, and the environment, we depict it as “upgrades” that are well worth the additional investment required. It is important and urgent that we change to positioning high-performance as the baseline rather than positive options that require a premium.
How to Market Yourself as a High-Performance Professional
“High-performance” professionals set themselves apart from traditional building professionals by exceeding conventional standards for energy efficiency, healthy indoor air quality, resilience, comfort, durability, and cost of maintenance. From renovations of existing buildings to new construction, high performance professionals play a critical role in creating buildings that meet our climate goals by cutting energy use and emissions and keeping building occupants safe and healthy.
Our Changing Climate and Evolving Building Practice
This class will provide an overview of the changes occurring within the building sector and the driving forces behind them. We will discuss what these trends foretell for those of us in the industry, and an array of actual and potential solutions available to address the challenges we face.
The Building Blocks of Passive House Performance
In this introductory course you will learn about Passive House and how it fits with other sustainable initiatives in our efforts to mitigate the Climate Crisis.