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December 15, 2023

Getting Past Heat Pump Objections

Heat Pumps are quickly gaining traction as a preferred HVAC and water heating technology, but many customers and contractors are unfamiliar with heat pumps or remain skeptical. In order to meet California’s ambitious heat pump goals (6 million by 2030), contractors and other industry professionals must arm themselves with the knowledge (and sometimes the data) to dispel myths about heat pumps.

In this webinar, you’ll hear from Larry Waters, an HVAC industry veteran who switched his focus towards home performance in 2010 and towards inverter heat pumps in 2014. With over 400 heat pump installations under his belt, Larry’s heard just about every objection in the book and will relay best practices for responding to such objections.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain why understanding a customer’s personality profile is important
  • List one of the first steps to take before addressing an objection
  • Describe one reason why older vintage heat pumps spoiled the opinions of some customers & HVAC pros
  • Offer one alternative solution for a customer who does not want a wall-mounted mini split
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